Wamponamon Lodge #437 F & AM
Who We Are
Sag Harbor Masonic Club Inc.
We are a Club of Freemasons, members of Wamponamon Lodge #437 of Free and Accepted Masons chartered by the Grand Lodge of New York in 1858. A fraternal brotherhood who make good men better men. Men who are seeking enlightenment. Our mission is to improve the world through example and helping our Brothers and community through charitable worksM

Interested in Becoming a Brother?
To become a Brother of Wamponamon Lodge ask any Brother for a petition. We also have Brother Bring A Friend Nights and an open house yearly. You can also stop by any night that we meet. Unfortunately you can not sit in on the meetings but you can meet the Brothers, and enjoy our company before hand. Lodge meetings are the first and third Thursday of each month from September to June. Brothers arrive at 7pm and meetings start 8pm. Please contact us if you would like to visit
Groups We Have Helped
Two Pierson Scholarships
Sag Harbor Whaling Museum
Sag Harbor Fire Department
Sag Harbor Volunteer Ambulance Corp
Sag Harbor PBA
Sag Harbor Food Pantry
LVIS of Sag Harbor
The Jam Session
Individuals in Need
George Washington Masonic National